Posts Tagged "spirituality"

Air of Silence

Posted by on May 22, 2017 in Critic's Area | 1 comment

I am at a loss of words, but wish to fill my air of silence with love that I continue to share with departed ones. Ever since I lost both parents, leading life has been comparable to climbing a mountain that is hit by waves of an ocean – an ocean of mysterious grief that allows quest and carving rare and unique paths. All I have to do is keep ‘climbing’ and ‘carving’ those paths that my mother and father envisioned along with me. I learnt immense will power to do so till the last day of my father’s breath on February 6.  It may appear that there is an air...

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The Unknown

Posted by on Mar 11, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Ask where my home is? After my 29th flight in the last 14 months, I must say that the plane has become my third home. Moving out of comfort zones has become my way of living that can be practiced everywhere. And that’s what I continue to do in my two homes. February and March have been filled with deep living in unknown spaces again. I went back to Costa Rica where my beloved and I continued to explore and discover karmic, yogic, and vegan-friendly spaces that are ideal for holistic reading and writing retreats. San Jose, Samara, and Montezuma were particularly awe-inspiring and filled...

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A New Language in Re-Birth and Deep Living

Posted by on Feb 5, 2013 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Hope February started well for all readers!  A sincere thanks to all who joined my WordPress blog and Facebook page last month.  I am pleased to let you know that I will be embracing a new language and artistic culture while I continue to read, write, and speak on fame.  The language is Spanish and classes start tomorrow!  I honour this moment of re-birth as I observe my mum’s 10th anniversary of passing on tonight i.e., Feb 4 and her birthday on Feb 20.  While her deep loss breaks my heart into pieces and there are tears behind my smile,...

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Reflections on Heroic Qualities in Personal Branding

Posted by on Nov 6, 2012 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Dear Celebrity Culture Readers, My first post in November is inspired by Oscar Del Santo, a lecturer, consultant, key speaker, and blogger of online reputation in Spain. Santo offers a case study of Canadian pop and country singer k.d. lang to describe how unconventional qualities are key to personal branding and recognition of talent.  He examines vegan, homosexual, and spiritual representations of k.d. lang.  In examining these representations, Santo illustrates how k.d. lang proudly refutes stereotypical images in popular culture and shines as a star.  His post reflects on carving out a...

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