Hope February started well for all readers! A sincere thanks to all who joined my WordPress blog and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Celebrity.Cultural.Critic last month. I am pleased to let you know that I will be embracing a new language and artistic culture while I continue to read, write, and speak on fame. The language is Spanish and classes start tomorrow! I honour this moment of re-birth as I observe my mum’s 10th anniversary of passing on tonight i.e., Feb 4 and her birthday on Feb 20. While her deep loss breaks my heart into pieces and there are tears behind my smile, her presence and blessings have made my spiritual connections strong, fearless, and bright. In this spiritual journey, serendipitous moments, rare encounters, crossing paths, and co-creation of experiences are embraced with care, trust, and pleasure.
The above photo was taken at a bohemian vegan restaurant Juicy Jones after my guest lecture ‘Fame of Art / Art of Fame’ in Barcelona.
Photos of the lecture can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.483173898393159.103619.304011009642783&type=3#!/media/set/?set=a.483173898393159.103619.304011009642783&type=3
Thank you for stopping by and reading this post.
Stay tuned for more updates and share your empowering journey with us this month!
With affection and more soon,
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