Butterfly (2025)
Butterfly (2025) Hope 2025 started well for all! My New Year started with a brand new short, Butterfly (2025), that blurs the boundaries between commercial art and education within and beyond the studies of film stardom, which is my PhD research area. I specifically start with a question to further cinematic practices: can theatrical and poetic spaces co-exist using a choreographic approach? Watch, share, and read about the Butterfly to find out more! ABOUT THE FILM Tagline: By day, she follows the rules. By night, she follows her rhythm. Logline: A disillusioned office worker in Portugal...
Read MoreWindows (2024) Film
Windows (2024) A film by Krystof KeshavProduction House: Sene LisboaMedia and Public Relations: CMCS Media WINDOWS-Press-Kit Download ABOUT THE FILM Tagline: A Bengali short with a universal twist Logline: When a woman is stood up, she considers all the opportunities opening up to herself. Synopsis: In the independent short film, Windows, the protagonist Amrita is a single professional woman. She returns home after an ordinary day of work, but plans an extraordinary moment with a date that night. Her mundane tasks prepare for a special moment of romance until her hopes are shattered. When...
Read MoreOp-Ed Publication – Feminism in India (FII)
I am honoured to share that Feminism in India (FII) just published my op-ed essay – incredibly proud of the Delhi-based women’s magazine that takes actions and gives voices to violent issues within and beyond India. My huge thanks go to the editorial team for publishing this critical piece. I also received supportive thoughts from Mumbai Press Club at a time when actress Tanushree Dutta started the #MeToo Movement in India. The highlighted section (below) is one of the posts that FII tweeted. You can read the complete article...
Read MoreStepping into 2019 – What’s Moving You?
Hope the Brazilian Samba in the video moved you! But that’s not it. For me, there is more… It’s feminist freedom – the freedom in feminist storytelling – that has moved me across borders, literally and metaphorically, in the last 2.5 months. I just came back from a 10-week journey with my carry-on luggage across India and Portugal – yes, I travel light! But that has enabled me to rush to multiple locations that needed my activist voice. Was it easy? NO! If you have followed my Instagram, I was in high-risk situations day and night but stood firm as a woman. And I am so incredibly proud...
Read MoreIMDB Filmography
Thank you for visiting this page! More on IMDB Filmography https://www.imdb.me/samitanandy
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