Celebrity Studies Book Release & Keynotes
We are excited to announce the release of Film Stardom and the Ancient Past Idols, Artefacts and Epics by Michael Williams. Published by Palgrave MacMillan, the book offers the first major study of the use of the ancient past in the construction of Hollywood stardom after the silent era. This book offers the first comprehensive exploration of how the ancient past has shaped screen stardom in Hollywood since the silent era. It engages with debates on historical reception, gender and sexuality, nostalgia, authenticity and the uses of the past. Michael Williams gives fresh insights into...
Read MoreNot a Farewell Forever
Shared the 58th edition of Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) newsletter with eulogies for our board member Josh Nathan. As I mentioned in the newsletter, it is hard to say goodbye to Josh, especially since he forever lives in our memories and in the vision of all we do. Those of us who knew and loved Josh remember him as a PhD researcher at the University of Colorado, lecturer, broadcaster, writer and, above all, a true lifelong companion. And that companionship will continue in our circle of compassion. Social media manager and dear friend Christine Bode says “I believe...
Read MoreSerendipitous Conversations
The above shot was taken at a random conference & cocktail reception at Toronto Reference Library. I turned my burning eyes into a heart open to words and wine there. Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) accountant Ubaid Rizvi kindly invited me after I buried my parents’ ashes at a sacred Zen garden two weeks ago. Gratitude goes to CMCS board member Josh Nathan for inspiring the garden as a magical sanctuary. He appropriately says that “their memory will always be cherished with a sanctuary eternally supporting life.” I could not think of a better garden and...
Read MoreTurning Tears into Words
Hope October is going well. I am about to draft the 54th edition of Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) while I continue being an executor for my father’s estate. I celebrated his 75th birthday on the last day of our CMCS conference in New York – haven’t seen him for over 35 weeks. I will never forget the sense of deep loss I had while being cheered for the immense success of our research centre. I was moved to tears. Sometimes, we lose to succeed. I had nothing to lose – I was in deep loss already. I lost everything I could but had to turn moments of that...
Read MoreIn VICE + FREE Op-Ed Writing Webinar – September 23!
Pleased to share that my latest views are covered in VICE magazine: https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/7xxj7e/why-your-grief-over-a-celebritys-death-is-real. Thanks to journalist Luke Ottenhoff & Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) member Jacque Lynn Foltyn for joining me on VICE. Read and share your views – we want to hear from you! Also, special thanks to Nafsika Antypas for sharing my article “Sexism and Speciesism in Not-So-Female Friendly Hollywood” with worldwide readers and viewers:...
Read MoreMedia Panels in NYC Aug 30-Sept1 – Join!
We are pleased to announce that Nafsika Antypas from Plant-based Nafsika show on FYI channel / A & E Television Networks, Mary Murphy from NY Mag, Esquire & TV Guide magazines, NBC.com journalist Jere Hester, and Megan Garber from The Atlantic are joining our NYC conference on scholars becoming media critics. NYC journalist Tim Harper and Jere Hester will have a panel discussion with Mary Murphy during our op-ed workshop at 5 pm on August 31st. We will also have a special Q & A with Nafsika Antypas at 5 pm on September 1. For more information on her show and media kit, please...
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