Not a Farewell Forever

Posted by on Jan 13, 2018 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Snapshot 1 (11-15-2017 6-14 AM)

Shared the 58th edition of Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) newsletter with eulogies for our board member Josh Nathan.

As I mentioned in the newsletter, it is hard to say goodbye to Josh, especially since he forever lives in our memories and in the vision of all we do. Those of us who knew and loved Josh remember him as a PhD researcher at the University of Colorado, lecturer, broadcaster, writer and, above all, a true lifelong companion. And that companionship will continue in our circle of compassion.

Social media manager and dear friend Christine Bode says “I believe Josh is smiling at you now. Hold him in your heart, always.”

So this is not a farewell forever but a light shining in his new phase of life.

Samita Nandy

The history of our friendship goes back to connecting through a passionate conversation about higher education and critical thinking on LinkedIn. Soon I discovered that he’s a visionary who truly contributes to teaching and learning with care, compassion, and presence. I then invited him as one of the key media speakers at the 2nd Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference in New York City in 2015. That is where we first met in person and never stopped co-creating memorable moments and supportive thoughts for all. Recently, Josh became one of our board members and delivered an unforgettable webinar on op-ed writing. In the journey of co-creating words and thoughts, I came to know his mother Linda Nathan and father Andy Nathan and today, I am truly honoured and grateful to be in touch with his parents and friends. I have learnt that like me, Josh had shared a deep journey of living and learning with all his close ones. I will forever remember Josh suggesting a Zen Garden as a burial space for the remains of my parents couple of months ago. That sacred space and his presence will always be there.


At this moment of loss, we must remember that it is the journey that counts – that’s what we will uphold in our conference series and in the publication of deserving words that Josh supported. We commit to giving care and to keeping his presence alive as we proceed with our journey. Josh truly deserves the love from around the world.

The eulogies can be now read here:

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