Centre for Media & Celebrity Studies – 3rd Anniversary News
Our Advisory Board member Dr Anita Krajnc has been covered in Washington Post, Guardian, CTV, CBC, and Globe and Mail among more international media channels for her ground-breaking work against speciesism and contesting criminalization of her compassion for animals. See details below. As a well-known activist, she has been key to the growth of CMCS since its launch on August 28, 2013. Today, we are 3 years old. We wanted to take this opportunity to say that we are incredibly grateful to all our supporters and sponsors for their contributions to celebrity studies, social issues, and media...
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Ask where my home is? After my 29th flight in the last 14 months, I must say that the plane has become my third home. Moving out of comfort zones has become my way of living that can be practiced everywhere. And that’s what I continue to do in my two homes. February and March have been filled with deep living in unknown spaces again. I went back to Costa Rica where my beloved and I continued to explore and discover karmic, yogic, and vegan-friendly spaces that are ideal for holistic reading and writing retreats. San Jose, Samara, and Montezuma were particularly awe-inspiring and filled...
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