Our Advisory Board member Dr Anita Krajnc has been covered in Washington Post, Guardian, CTV, CBC, and Globe and Mail among more international media channels for her ground-breaking work against speciesism and contesting criminalization of her compassion for animals. See details below. As a well-known activist, she has been key to the growth of CMCS since its launch on August 28, 2013.
Today, we are 3 years old.
We wanted to take this opportunity to say that we are incredibly grateful to all our supporters and sponsors for their contributions to celebrity studies, social issues, and media outreach.
And we have more to do
Please read and share upcoming calls, conferences, media coverage, professional opportunities here: eepurl.com/cdegWj
On behalf of CMCS, I wish you all a great week and fantastic start to September!
Samita Nandy
Director, Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS)
Author, Fame in Hollywood North (WaterHill Publishing)
URL: www.samitanandy.com | @famecritic
The Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) is an international organization and research network that helps coordinating academic research and media commentaries on celebrity culture. CMCS carries a pedagogical philosophy that inspires integration of research and media skills training in academic and public discourses of fame. The centre believes in intellectual, aesthetic, and ethical values of bridging gaps in higher education and media. With this view, CMCS facilitates research, publications, creative productions, and media commentaries to restore artistic and ethical acts for social change.
Photo Credit: Julie O’Neill
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