In one of Facebook posts, I mentioned the idea of writing my memoir. Will that book talk about all the good ideas that were expected of me in the past?
I am a bad Canadian. I neither support political images of the Great White North nor do I buy hockey tickets. My book Fame in Hollywood North will tell us why.
I am also a bad Bengali. I neither buy fish nor do I have to marry.
Sometimes we conflate our belonging to a geographical place, a linguistic community or professional setting with what we are expected to identify. Often these expectations are associated with a sense of collective power to overcome individual fear.
Dominant institutions such as media, family, and schools tell us how to gain at the cost of another species, sex, race, and class. This dominance contrasts how we should feel in one of the most feared spaces – alone in the unknown.
Who are we, really?
As I travel to Costa Rica, I leave you with a video and ask: how do you feel about it?
Special thanks to Limitless Production founder & Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) partner Ashima Suri for sharing the video.
Visit my Instagram for my upcoming journey in Costa Rica – another unknown space with many senses that I have felt.
Samita Nandy
Photography by Louis Massey
Location: New York City
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