Posts Tagged "writer"

Interview with Dr Kabir Bedi – Journalism and Storytelling

Posted by on Jan 2, 2019 in Blog, Critic's Area | 0 comments

  From Journalism to Fashion Activism: Refashioning Stories for Social Change Interview with Kabir Bedi – Samita Nandy Today celebrity activists and fashion models are accomplishing what most journalism schools cannot. While this statement is rooted in controversy, influencers and activists have come to rely on storytelling, both literally and visually, to help their fans spark social change. This is what international actor and Oscar-voting member Kabir Bedi indicates in his radical views of journalism education. He also expresses his opinion on the critical state of the tabloid...

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Air of Silence

Posted by on May 22, 2017 in Critic's Area | 1 comment

I am at a loss of words, but wish to fill my air of silence with love that I continue to share with departed ones. Ever since I lost both parents, leading life has been comparable to climbing a mountain that is hit by waves of an ocean – an ocean of mysterious grief that allows quest and carving rare and unique paths. All I have to do is keep ‘climbing’ and ‘carving’ those paths that my mother and father envisioned along with me. I learnt immense will power to do so till the last day of my father’s breath on February 6.  It may appear that there is an air...

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Mapping Media Scholars in the Art of Journalism

Posted by on Nov 7, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Special thanks to Christine Bode for sharing my interview with Kofi Forson at Kofi Forson is a writer, poet and playwright living in NYC. His current blog is Black Cocteau, a mixture of philosophy and art in modern culture. His previously written articles include “Artistry and Celebrity: An Interview with Harry Goaz” among many others for Whitehot Magazine.  He sheds light on his inspirations and advice for artistic and scholarly treatments of cultural figures and artifacts in popular culture. Read his...

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Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies – Join Live Chat (Thursday, October 13)

Posted by on Oct 12, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments


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The Unknown

Posted by on Mar 11, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Ask where my home is? After my 29th flight in the last 14 months, I must say that the plane has become my third home. Moving out of comfort zones has become my way of living that can be practiced everywhere. And that’s what I continue to do in my two homes. February and March have been filled with deep living in unknown spaces again. I went back to Costa Rica where my beloved and I continued to explore and discover karmic, yogic, and vegan-friendly spaces that are ideal for holistic reading and writing retreats. San Jose, Samara, and Montezuma were particularly awe-inspiring and filled...

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