Posts Tagged "video"

Bridging Gaps Live Chat – October 13

Posted by on Oct 1, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Can’t believe it’s October already! There is lot of exciting news coming up 🙂 Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) will be hosting its first Twitter chat event on the international conference theme “Bridging Gaps.” We will be focussing on Hollywood filmmaking while speaking on the use of media. This exclusive conversation will take place on October 13 (8:30 pm EST / 5:30 pm PST). Mark the date and join us with friends and colleagues. Can’t wait to see you on October 13 – counting down! In the meantime, connect on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.  ...

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Entertainment vs Information in Popular Culture

Posted by on Feb 18, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

A huge thanks to new readers for joining my social media. Special thanks to Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) media expert and social media manager Christine Bode for her insightful and inspiring comments on the posts always. Gratitude also goes to former CMCS seminar “Moving Forward” panelist and Ryerson University’s Sal Greco for his opinions on my latest interview in Humber News. Here’s what Sal has to say about the Jimmy Kimmel’s Show video that I mentioned in the interview: “Upon seeing the video shown on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, that...

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