Posts Tagged "talent"

Activists as Celebrities

Posted by on Oct 16, 2015 in Critic's Area | 1 comment

Canadian Thanksgiving is over, but my sense of gratitude and awe continues to grow. Earlier this week, my dear friend, media spokesperson, and heroic figure Dr Anita Krajnc bravely went to court. She was charged for giving water to non-human animals and was featured on Huffington Post and Halton Insider for her fearless truth: “compassion is not a crime.”  Read the Huffington Post article and watch her video here: Her fearless truth reminds me of Malala Yousafzai, who also speaks from...

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Celebrating Shining Talent

Posted by on May 2, 2013 in Critic's Area | 1 comment

Dear Readers, Hope May started off well!  A warm welcome to all friends and readers that joined my WordPress, Twitter, and Facebook pages in April!   Last month brought precious memories that I am carrying in my journey of writing and fierce celebration of love this month.   First of all, I was honoured to be a part of Building Bridges Association of Canada and industry leaders. Organized by Ashima Suri and Erica Armstrong at Toronto’s House of Moments, the event celebrated meaningful employment, true inclusion, and diverse communications. The event demonstrated living examples of...

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The Birth of Chaplin’s Little Tramp: A 100th Anniversar​y Celebratio​n

Posted by on Apr 12, 2013 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

From Popular Culture & American Culture Associations CALL FOR PAPERS The Birth of Chaplin’s Little Tramp: A 100th Anniversary Celebration June 26, 27& 28, 2014 Cineteca di Bologna, Bologna, ITALY Conference Website: TBA Statement of Intent: This 100th anniversary celebration of Charlie Chaplin’s iconic persona, the Little Tramp, or as he himself named him, the Little Fellow, will be an event geared towards the public first and film scholars and aficionados second and third. We wish to invite abstracts/proposals from speakers who can accommodate this audience effectively, i.e.,...

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Our Highest Talent

Posted by on Nov 29, 2012 in Critic's Area | 0 comments


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Reflections on Heroic Qualities in Personal Branding

Posted by on Nov 6, 2012 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Dear Celebrity Culture Readers, My first post in November is inspired by Oscar Del Santo, a lecturer, consultant, key speaker, and blogger of online reputation in Spain. Santo offers a case study of Canadian pop and country singer k.d. lang to describe how unconventional qualities are key to personal branding and recognition of talent.  He examines vegan, homosexual, and spiritual representations of k.d. lang.  In examining these representations, Santo illustrates how k.d. lang proudly refutes stereotypical images in popular culture and shines as a star.  His post reflects on carving out a...

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