Posts Tagged "Scully Love Promo"

Mapping Media Scholars in the Art of Journalism

Posted by on Nov 7, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Special thanks to Christine Bode for sharing my interview with Kofi Forson at Kofi Forson is a writer, poet and playwright living in NYC. His current blog is Black Cocteau, a mixture of philosophy and art in modern culture. His previously written articles include “Artistry and Celebrity: An Interview with Harry Goaz” among many others for Whitehot Magazine.  He sheds light on his inspirations and advice for artistic and scholarly treatments of cultural figures and artifacts in popular culture. Read his...

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From International Women’s Day to Celebration of All

Posted by on Mar 10, 2014 in Critic's Area | 2 comments

Dear Readers,  I hope you had a wonderful weekend! My weekend started off with precious moments that I never planned. The moments unfolded within my serendipitous learning practices that I will always remember. On Friday night, I met with friend Jo-Anne McArthur, who is an award-winning photojournalist and author.  I was finally able to attend readings of her book We Animals ( at University of Western Ontario in London. Jo-Anne’s work has been featured in Liz Marshall’s award-winning documentary The Ghosts in Our Machine...

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Oscar Selfies: Authenticity at the 86th Academy Awards

Posted by on Mar 5, 2014 in Critic's Area | 2 comments

Dear Readers, In the last 12 hours, I had a fascinating conversation with Toronto-based American historian Jarret Ruminski.  On my Facebook page, I shared how Ellen DeGeneres’ ‘selfie’ at the 86th Academy Awards got re-tweeted more than 3 million times.  The re-tweet of the ‘star-studded selfie’ led to Samsung donating a total of $3 million to two of her favorite charities: the Humane Society and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.  More on Ruminski makes an excellent...

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After a Short Hiatus…

Posted by on Mar 4, 2014 in Critic's Area | 1 comment

Dear Readers, I hope 2014 is going well! After a short hiatus, I am back to writing this blog where I document commentaries on fame and journey in exploring celebrity culture.  The hiatus does not mean time stopped. On the contrary, I had abundant moments filled with travels, talks, readings, choreography, writing, publications, and gifts that I would love to share! To be honest, I don’t know where to start as I am always in the middle of a journey, literally and metaphorically. Maybe I will start with a serendipitous moment that I still embrace with honour and dignity – the moment when our...

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Celebrating Shining Talent

Posted by on May 2, 2013 in Critic's Area | 1 comment

Dear Readers, Hope May started off well!  A warm welcome to all friends and readers that joined my WordPress, Twitter, and Facebook pages in April!   Last month brought precious memories that I am carrying in my journey of writing and fierce celebration of love this month.   First of all, I was honoured to be a part of Building Bridges Association of Canada and industry leaders. Organized by Ashima Suri and Erica Armstrong at Toronto’s House of Moments, the event celebrated meaningful employment, true inclusion, and diverse communications. The event demonstrated living examples of...

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