Posts Tagged "radio"

Centre for Media & Celebrity Studies – 3rd Anniversary News

Posted by on Aug 28, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Our Advisory Board member Dr Anita Krajnc has been covered in Washington Post, Guardian, CTV, CBC, and Globe and Mail among more international media channels for her ground-breaking work against speciesism and contesting criminalization of her compassion for animals. See details below. As a well-known activist, she has been key to the growth of CMCS since its launch on August 28, 2013. Today, we are 3 years old. We wanted to take this opportunity to say that we are incredibly grateful to all our supporters and sponsors for their contributions to celebrity studies, social issues, and media...

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Critic on the Road

Posted by on Jun 22, 2015 in Critic's Area | 1 comment

What happens when a critic ‪ is on the road and a well-known producer calls? More coming up on my upcoming blog post! The last 10 days were filled with passionate moments in Toronto, Kingston, and Mississauga. If you are on my Instagram, you will sense how walls move and the stillness of the silence speaks… how nature cannot be stopped and it creeps into our art… There are basic instincts that creep into one’s fame too. The boundary between the extraordinary and ordinary can be fluid. Currently I am finalizing my upcoming book chapter on selfies, celebrity and persona. It...

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Kim or Caitlyn? Breaking Boundaries in Fame

Posted by on Jun 12, 2015 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

A question that often comes to our mind: why is fame an important area to reflect on? For me, fame has had a pervasive presence in how fans engage in pleasures and identification, and in how they develop para-social relations with celebrities. The relationship is both material and symbolic. Fan practices such as circulation and re-mixing of celebrity images and texts have physical components. The practices also reflect and reinforce imaginary relations that hold affective and cultural values While the Kardarshians offer pleasures of hybrid identities, they also silence articulations of and...

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