Posts Tagged "Ana Serrano Tellería"

Latest Publications on Persona and Celebrity

Posted by on Jul 9, 2015 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Dear Readers, I am pleased to announce that my latest chapter on persona, celebrity activism, and selfies has been published in the edited book Mobile and Digital Communication: Approaches to Public and Private. The chapter shows how we can strengthen the use of selfies and other representations of persona in celebrity activism. Receive a copy of the book at Special thanks to editors José Ricardo Carvalheiro and Ana Serrano Tellería for the book. I am also honoured to be mentioned in the edited book Bridging Gaps: Higher...

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The Moving Writer

Posted by on Apr 4, 2015 in Critic's Area | 2 comments

Dear Readers, Books, blogs and reflections are filling my week in Canada. I just came back from Portugal, where I was invited as a speaker on celebrity, persona and selfies in activism.  It was an honour to present developments in celebrity activism for human rights, animal rights, and environmental sustainability at the Universidade da Beira Interior  (UBI) there. Representation of invisible human conditions and non-human animals in The Save Movement and were deeply touching and memorable for me. Gratitude goes to Dr Anita Krajnc for bearing witness and offering the images that I presented...

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