Posts Tagged "2013"

Celebrate All Life and Shine as a Star – 13 inspirational tips for 2013!

Posted by on Jan 5, 2013 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Dear Celebrity Culture Readers, Hope 2012 was full of learning and set you on a new journey! When I was flying from Singapore to London on New Year’s Eve, I was thinking of my resolutions for 2013. At the same time, I was aware that celebrating New Year is a symbolic construction and resolutions can be idealistic, generalized, or limiting our potential. Maybe innovative ideas of individual progress are more effective than absolute resolutions? Considering the above question, I suggest engaging with ideas that are specific to our distinct journeys in life. In my writings and consultations, I...

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One Love in the New Year

Posted by on Dec 25, 2012 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Dear Celebrity Culture Readers, Although celebrating New Year’s Eve is a social construction, it symbolizes a beginning that often occurs in ‘re-births’ of self and in our ‘being’ every day.  In this respect, Toronto-based creative artist Ashima Suri ( affirms. ‘Be You’. Let us remind ourselves and all close ones: don’t just ‘do’ but rather’ be’ pure presence and love for One life force that runs through all living beings. On this note, I wish all readers and friends a wonderful Holiday Season and an...

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