Dear Celebrity Culture Readers,
Hope 2012 was full of learning and set you on a new journey!
When I was flying from Singapore to London on New Year’s Eve, I was thinking of my resolutions for 2013. At the same time, I was aware that celebrating New Year is a symbolic construction and resolutions can be idealistic, generalized, or limiting our potential.
Maybe innovative ideas of individual progress are more effective than absolute resolutions?
Considering the above question, I suggest engaging with ideas that are specific to our distinct journeys in life. In my writings and consultations, I speak of celebrating all life and shining as a star on our own path. Celebrating such a path is a highly rewarding practice and 2013 can mark some significant changes in it!
I am currently in Barcelona, Spain and would like to share some ideas on celebrating self in 2013. There are simple yet key qualities that set grounds to celebrate all life and, in the process, honour self. The following steps spark imagination and are practical as well. These steps may be familiar or new to you. In either case, they do not have to be perfect. Here, the idea is to keep progressing and shine brighter this year!
1. Create a sacred space of wellness in your home.
You can choose an area in your bedroom or any part of your home that you consider relaxing and intimate. This space is your sanctuary. You can retire to this place anytime and listen to your intuition with openness with trust. Feel free to Include essential oils, incense sticks, and candles to maximize feelings for your listening moments.
2. Keep a small basket full of inspirational booklets and handwritten notes.
In your sacred space, you can keep a basket full of positive readings. These readings can include Louise Hay’s 2013 calendar with daily positive thoughts, bookmarks from Ilan Shamir’s ‘Your True Nature’, and personal notes on wonderful things that you have learnt in 2012!
3. Gift yourself a little notebook and write 3 pages every morning.
This tool, also called the Morning Pages, is based on Julia Cameron’s book ‘The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Guide to Higher Creativity’. Along with an ‘Artist Date’ with your ‘self,’ this regular writing practice empowers your intuitive abilities in a subconscious state, helps you to find answers within your ‘self’, and channels your individuality in a way that is ‘you.’ Read Cameron’s book on generating a creative corner, a space that is similar to tip #1 and wonderful for writing morning pages! I followed this guideline last year and found empowering results in my personal and professional life.
4. Let go both time and resistance.
Appreciate the present moment and wonders of life. It is never too late to embrace something new and upbeat. Life has an innate capacity to build up when it is given a chance.
5. Feel grateful for new learning and affection that you open up to or is coming your way.
There is no end to learning, giving thanks, and sharing! It is key to your ongoing recognition as an individual and as a member of your community.
6. Emerge, communicate, and reach from a secure space of talent and its love.
We have talents and support for which we can be grateful and secure. Continue being a living example of this secure sense of self and love through sheer appreciation of what others have received and achieved. Be reassured that you are part of the same abundance.
7. Keep embracing fair-trade and eco-friendly vegan products in fashion, diet, and skin care.
Apparently, 80% of our food and a significant number of beauty products are already vegan. The year 2012 opened up eco-friendly, fair-trade, and ethical choices that we can now embrace without having to conform to factory farming practices and sacrifice any personal style or sensual taste! My family and many friends went vegan and found amazing long-term benefits for spiritual, physical , social and environmental reasons. Check books and living examples set by vegan celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres, Alicia Silverstone, Moby, Bryan Adams, Serena Williams, Toby McGuire, and Bill Clinton among many others!
8. Start a new day with walks, yoga, and meditation, possibly in nature.
Parks, gardens, woods, riversides, and ocean beaches are some of the many natural settings where you can stay fit and balanced. At the same time, you can carry uplifting thoughts that you come across randomly. Give a natural lift to your conscious self every day.
9. Keep exploring new forms of art, even in nature.
Recognize different colours, patterns, textures, movements, and layers in art through conscious observation of nature. This recognition is a wonderful way to be in the present moment and find out how far our creativity and influence can go!
10. Read Chris Guillebeau’s book The Art of Non-Conformity
I read this book and found it as an excellent guide to setting own life rules and designing your path that is distinct from average practices. If you haven’t read it yet, gift it to yourself in 2013! While you read, make sure you check out the interactive extension of the book here:
11. Travel to a new place and explore different ways of living and being.
You do not have to travel far for this. Explore your immediate neighbourhood like a new tourist and appreciate new findings always.
12. Turn every adversity into a new opportunity in your travelling path.
Recognize stepping-stones rather than walls in your path of life. This recognition is key to unblock your path further and shining with your passion and talents.
13. Perform, write or speak about a social / cultural issue you like.
These creative acts help us to recognize our place in society, bolster confidence in our talents, and make an empowering difference to all life including our self.
Hope the above 13 tips will uplift and empower your path in distinctive ways!
Feel free to share your journey and learning tips as we can learn from each other and can practice these leanings together.
Wishing all a blessed 2013 and affection from Barcelona,
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