Readings in Celebrity Studies

Posted by on Sep 11, 2012 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Dear Celebrity Culture Readers,

Hope September is treating you well!

My last posts mentioned the reason to read and write on celebrities and their fame, and how these learnings are related to celebrating ourselves.  It is important to critically understand dominant meanings of fame and recognize ways in which we can restore talent and a creative spirit that we all carry.  Often, recognition of talent leads to popularity but standard practices in popular culture shift attention away from the talent and unconditional love based on which every individual can be celebrated with passion.

My next post will focus on the definition of the celebrity and what it means to us.  The concept will draw on a wide range of readings that were part of my Doctoral research on fame and identity.  Below is a list of selected readings that have been an integral part of my research.  As you browse through the readings, you will have a glimpse of my personal library and latest television coverage of some of the texts.  There is an annotated bibilography of celebrity studies that you might find useful.  You can review it at for further insights into the field of celebrity studies.

Select Readings

Alberoni, F. (1972). The Powerless ‘Elite’: Theory and Sociological Research on the Phenomenon of the Stars. In D. McQuail (Ed., Sociology of mass communications: selected readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Andrews, D. L., & Jackson, S. J. (Eds.). (2001). Sports Stars: The Cultural Politics of Sporting Celebrity. London and New York: Routledge.

Beltran, M. C. (2002). Bronze Seduction: The Shaping of Latina Stardom in Hollywood Film and Star Publicity. The University of Texas, Austin.

Beltran, M. (2002). The Hollywood Latina Body as Site of Social Struggle: Media Constructions of Stardom and Jennifer Lopez’s “Cross-over Butt” Quaterly Review of Film and Video, 17(1).

Braudy, L. (1986). The Frenzy of Renown:  Fame and its History. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brockington, D. (2008). Powerful environmentalisms: conservation, celebrity and capitalism. Media Culture Society, 30(4).

Clarke, R. (Ed.). (2009). Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Power and Representation in Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne.

Costello, V. J. (1999). Interactivity and the ‘Cyber-fan’: An Exploration of Audience Involvement within the Electronic Fan Culture of the Internet. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Couldry, N., & Markham, T. (2007). Celebrity culture and public connection: Bridge or chasm? International Journal of Cultural Studies, 10(4).

Czach, L. (2010). Cinephilia, Stars, and Film Festivals. Cinema Journal, 49(2).

DeCordova, R. (2001). Picture personalities: the emergence of the star system in America. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Derkits, R. (2004 ). Public Sex, Celebrity and the Internet. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University Stanford

Dubied, A., Dubbey, M., & Gorin, V. (2009). Rumors and Subjectivity: Introducing Celebrity News. Paper presented at the Trust, Truth and Performance: Diverse Journalisms in the 21st Century.

Dyer, R. (1991). A Star is Born and the Construction of Authenticity.  In C. Gledhill (Ed.), Stardom: Industry of Desire. London: Routledge.

Dyer, R. (1998). Stars. Bury St. Edmunds: St. Edmundsbury Press.

Dyer, R. (2004). Heavenly bodies: film stars and society. London: Routledge.

Ellis, J. (2007). Stars as a Cinematic Phenomenon. In S. Redmond & S. Holmes (Eds.), Stardom and Celebrity: A Reader. London: Sage Publications.

Feasey, R. (2006). Get a Famous Body: Star Styles and Celebrity gossip in heat magazine. In S. H. S. Redmond (Ed.), Framing Celebrity:  New Directions in Celebrity Culture  Oxon: Routledge.

Flanagan, M. (2007). Mobile Identities, Digital Stars, and Post-Cinematic Selves. In S. Redmond & S. Holmes (Eds.), Stardom and Celebrity: A Reader. London: Sage.

Fowler, C. (2006). Spending time with (a) celebrity:  Sam Taylor – Wood’s video portrait of David Bekham. In S. Holmes & S. Redmond (Eds.), Framing Celebrity: New Directions in Celebrity Culture. Oxon: Routledge.

Frick, J. (2004). Monday the Herald; Tuesday the Victoria: (Re)packaging and (Re)presenting the Celebrated and the Notorious on the Variety Stage. . Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film, 30(Winter).

Galerman, E. (2009). Celebrity Hot Spots: Engaging Fans Through Blogs. In K. S. Burns (Ed.), Celeb 2.0: how social media foster our fascination with popular culture. Santa Barbara: ABCCLIO.

Gamson, J. (1994). Claims to fame: celebrity in contemporary America. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Gamson, J. (2007). The Assembly Line of Greatness:  Celebrity in Twentieth-Century America. In S. Redomond & S. Holmes (Eds.), Stardom and Celebrity: A Reader. London: Sage Publications.

Geraghty, C. (2007). Re-examining Stardom: Questions of Texts, Bodies and Performance. In S. Redmond & S. Holmes (Eds.), Stardom and Celebrity: A Reader. London: Sage Publications.

Giles, D. (2000). Illusions of immortality: a psychology of fame and celebrity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Goggin, G., & Newell, C. (2004). Christopher Reeve, Super Crips, and Infamous Celebrity. M/C Journal: A Journal of Media and Culture, 7(5).

Goodman, M., & Barnes, C. (2010). Star/Poverty Space: The Making of the Development Celebrity.

Guilbert, G.-C. (2002). Madonna as postmodern myth: how one star’s self-construction rewrites sex, gender, Hollywood, and the American dream. Jefferson: McFarland & Company, Inc.

Hart, P., & Tindall, K. (2009). Leadership by the Famous:  Celebrity as a Political Capital. In J. Kane, P. t. Hart & H. Patapan (Eds.), Dispersed democratic leadership: origins, dynamics, and implications. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hayward, S. (2007). Stardom: Beyond Desire? . In K. Kallioniemi, K. Kärki, J. Mäkelä & H. Salmi (Eds.), History of Stardom Reconsidered. Turku: International Institute for Popular Culture.

Henderson, A. (1992). Media and the Rise  of Celebrity Culture. OAH Magazine of History Spring. Retrieved Friday, 21 March 2008 from

Hills, M. (2002). Fan Culture. London: Routledge

Hills, M. (2006). Not Just Another Powerless Elite? When Media Fans Become Subcultural Celebrities  In S. Holmes & S. Redmond (Eds.), Framing Celebrity:  New Directions in Celebrity Culture London Routledge

Holmes, S. (2005). ‘Off-guard, Unkempt, Unready’?: Deconstructing Contemporary Celebrity in heat Magazine. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 19 (1).

Holmes, S. (2005b). ‘Starring… Dyer?’: Re-visiting Star Studies and Contemporary Celebrity Culture. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 2(2).

Holmes, S., & Redmond, S. (Eds.). (2006). Framing Celebrity:  New Directions in Celebrity Culture. Oxon: Routledge

Jenkins, H. (1992). Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture New York Routledge

Jenkins, H. (2006 ). Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers: Exploring Participatory Culture. New York: New York University Press.

Jensen, J. (1992). Fandom as Pathology: The Consequences of Characterization. In L. A. Lewis (Ed.),The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media London Routledge.

King, B. (1991). Articulating Stardom In C. Gledhill (Ed.), Stardom: industry of desire. London: Routledge.

Lambiase, J. (Spring 2003). Codes of Online Sexuality: Celebrity, Gender and Marketing on the Web. Sexuality and Culture

Lai, A. (2006). Aura and authenticity in the celebrity photographs of Jurgen Teller. In S. Holmes & S. Redmond (Eds.), Framing Celebrity:  New Directions in Celebrity Culture. Oxon: Routledge.

Lin, F. (2002). Dream Factory Redux:  Mass Culture, Symbolic Sites, and Redevelopment in Hollywood. In J. Eade & C. Mele (Eds.), Understanding the City: Contemporary and Future Perspectives. Oxford: Blackwell.

Littler, J. (2011). Introduction: celebrity and the transnational. Celebrity Studies, 2(1)

Marshall, P. D. (1997). Celebrity and Power: Fame in Contemporary Culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Marshall, P. D. (Ed.). (2007). The Celebrity Culture Reader. New York and London: Routledge.

McCutcheon, L. E., Range, L., & Houran, J. (2002). Conceptualization and Measurement of Celebrity Worship. The British Journal of Psychology 93.

Monaco, J. (1978). Celebrity: the media as image makers. New York: Dell Pub Co.

Moran, J. (2000). Star Authors: Literary Celebrity in America. London / Sterling, VA: Pluto Press.

Ommundsen, W. (2004). Sex, Soap and Sainthood: Beginning to Theorize Literary Celebrity. Jasal, 3.

O’Sullivan, J. (1999, November 8). ‘Affable, Polite and Sincere’: The murderer as celebrity – making murderers celebrities. National Review.

Ravid, Z. A. (Ed.). (2007). The star as a Creation and the Star as a creator: The Case of  Barbra Streisand Turku: International Institute for Popular Culture.

Redmond, S., & Holmes, S. (Eds.). (2007b). Stardom and Celebrity. London: Sage Publications.

Rojek, C. (2001). Celebrity. London: Reaktion Books.

Soukup, C. (2006). Hitching a Ride on a Star: Celebrity, Fandom, and Identification on the World Wide Web Southern Communication Journal 71(4).

Turner, G. (2004). Understanding Celebrity. London Sage.

Turner, G. (2010). Approaching celebrity studies. Celebrity Studies, 1(1).

Tyler, I., & Bennett, B. (2010). Celebrity Chav: Fame, Femininity and Social Class. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 13(3).

Wong, L. L., & Trumper, R. (2002). Global Celebrity Atheletes and Nationalism: Futbol, Hockey, and the Representation of Nation Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 26(2).

York, L. (2002). Your Star: Pauline Johnson and the Tensions of Celebrity Discourse. Canadian Poetry, 51, 8-17.

York, L. (2007). Large Ceremonies: Literary Celebrity of Carol Shields In M. Dvořak & M. Jones (Eds.), Carol Shields and the extra-ordinary. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s Press.

If there is any reading you would like to access or discuss, please feel free to contact.  A digital library of readings and writings will be presented at the Centre of Media and Celebrity Culture (CMCC) – my research and production centre to be launched in 2013.

Have a wonderful week ahead!  Stay tuned for hidden secrets and inspirational revelations in celebrity culture.

With much affection,

Samita Nandy

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