Posts Tagged "Vogue"

From Vogue Magazine to Heroes in History

Posted by on May 27, 2013 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Dear Readers, May is coming to an end!  Hope you had a powerful month immersed with distinctive moments, open minds, and new creative forces! My final edition for this month will start where one of my latest posts ended – celebrating Mother Earth on the occasion of Mother’s Day. In our everyday life, some of the finest, earthly connections are made through eco-friendly fashion, green diet, and home décor.  The driving forces in these creative connections are often manifested through glitz and glamour in celebrity culture.  At the same time, material creations symbolize and reinforce some of...

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Celebrating Shining Talent

Posted by on May 2, 2013 in Critic's Area | 1 comment

Dear Readers, Hope May started off well!  A warm welcome to all friends and readers that joined my WordPress, Twitter, and Facebook pages in April!   Last month brought precious memories that I am carrying in my journey of writing and fierce celebration of love this month.   First of all, I was honoured to be a part of Building Bridges Association of Canada and industry leaders. Organized by Ashima Suri and Erica Armstrong at Toronto’s House of Moments, the event celebrated meaningful employment, true inclusion, and diverse communications. The event demonstrated living examples of...

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