Butterfly (2025)
Butterfly (2025) Hope 2025 started well for all! My New Year started with a brand new short, Butterfly (2025), that blurs the boundaries between commercial art and education within and beyond the studies of film stardom, which is my PhD research area. I specifically start with a question to further cinematic practices: can theatrical and poetic spaces co-exist using a choreographic approach? Watch, share, and read about the Butterfly to find out more! ABOUT THE FILM Tagline: By day, she follows the rules. By night, she follows her rhythm. Logline: A disillusioned office worker in Portugal...
Read MoreWindows (2024) Film
Windows (2024) A film by Krystof KeshavProduction House: Sene LisboaMedia and Public Relations: CMCS Media WINDOWS-Press-Kit Download ABOUT THE FILM Tagline: A Bengali short with a universal twist Logline: When a woman is stood up, she considers all the opportunities opening up to herself. Synopsis: In the independent short film, Windows, the protagonist Amrita is a single professional woman. She returns home after an ordinary day of work, but plans an extraordinary moment with a date that night. Her mundane tasks prepare for a special moment of romance until her hopes are shattered. When...
Read MoreCelebrity Memoir “Stories I Must Tell” (Book Review)
About the author: Kabir Bedi is an Indian international actor who began his career in Bollywood, worked in Hollywood, and became a star in Europe. He is Knighted by Italy and a voting member of the “Oscars Academy” (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences). Read more: www.kabirbedi.com Review: “I am incredibly proud of Kabir Bedi’s biography Stories I Must Tell (Westland Books) and its authentic writing style. I deeply resonated with emotional phases that articulate immense strength, navigating tragic points of life and survival in film acting. He stands out as a distinctive actor and...
Read MoreThe Leak (2022) – Film
Welcome to THE LEAK (2022)! Official page: The Leak (2022) | CMCS (cmc-centre.com) From the Medium:https://medium.com/@cmcs/the-leak-2022-can-we-bring-bipoc-women-to-the-forefront-of-the-screen- a95494d2ca96 They started dating based on lies, but they liked each other even more when they found out. That’s the synopsis of the independent short film, THE LEAK (2022) — a romantic comedy with a few twists! In this film, I play the role of Mona, who is stressed and in a hurry. What is she running away from? She is a lawyer with a secret. The director and my co-writer, Louis Massey, plays out...
Read More5 Tips on How to Regain Control of Your Acting Career in Celebrity Culture
You just launched your life-long dream as a working actor – auditioning for roles while continuing workshops with casting directors. Or you graduated from drama school, and, damn, the pandemic started! Maybe your hope for the pandemic to end sooner encouraged you to at least take online acting classes, but now moving to Los Angeles for more job opportunities is complicated with vaccine requirements, border closures, or getting stranded somewhere on the way. Even if you are in Los Angeles or New York, will you ever realize the stardom you have always seen in Hollywood? Read: The Top 7...
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