Posts Tagged "Priyanka Chopra"

Not-so-female Hollywood?

Posted by on Oct 3, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Published in The Political Film Blog The lack of sexual diversity in Hollywood has been a critical issue that gained wide attention among movie lovers and researchers. But, as a recent University of Southern California report shows, a real change in the industry is still required. In particular, Dr Katherine Pieper points out “raised voices and calls for change are important, but so are practical and strategic solutions based on research.” So how can we implement solutions based on research, such as the one that USC...

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The Exotic ‘Other’ in Hollywood

Posted by on Jul 11, 2013 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Dear Readers, As you may know, Pitbull has teamed up with former Miss World and Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra for new single ‘Exotic’.  For some, Marshall McLuhan’s “global village” may appear closer to a reality in this world.  However, a close reading of the video reveals that the production imagines breaking the world into pieces. Bollywood is a cultural construct in which the place ‘Bombay’ and its lived experiences often disappear in global formats of productions.  It appears to be changing in unique ways that favour multiculturalism.  At the...

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