Posts Tagged "Movies"

From New York To Lisbon

Posted by on Jun 8, 2018 in Blog, Critic's Area | 0 comments

From New York To Lisbon

Had a such a memorable journey in New York City, where I represented our worldwide Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) scholars through public appearances and personal interactions. Special thanks to actor Sonny Chatrath for inviting me to his annual film & TV event after my panel talk at the East Side Institute – will never forget the heartfelt moments while speaking on the ethical use & impact of media and persona in celebrity culture. I am currently in Lisbon and just received Celebrity Studies journal & publication info for the 7th international...

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Not-so-female Hollywood?

Posted by on Oct 3, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Published in The Political Film Blog The lack of sexual diversity in Hollywood has been a critical issue that gained wide attention among movie lovers and researchers. But, as a recent University of Southern California report shows, a real change in the industry is still required. In particular, Dr Katherine Pieper points out “raised voices and calls for change are important, but so are practical and strategic solutions based on research.” So how can we implement solutions based on research, such as the one that USC...

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Bridging Gaps Live Chat – October 13

Posted by on Oct 1, 2016 in Critic's Area | 0 comments

Can’t believe it’s October already! There is lot of exciting news coming up 🙂 Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) will be hosting its first Twitter chat event on the international conference theme “Bridging Gaps.” We will be focussing on Hollywood filmmaking while speaking on the use of media. This exclusive conversation will take place on October 13 (8:30 pm EST / 5:30 pm PST). Mark the date and join us with friends and colleagues. Can’t wait to see you on October 13 – counting down! In the meantime, connect on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.  ...

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