Feminist Stories in Bridging Gaps – Reflections
I finally shared my opinion piece on #MeToo https://www.browngirlmagazine.com/2019/03/metoo-finding-my-voice-post-weinstein-era/ Huge thanks to Texas-based Brown Girl Magazine for publishing it. More at the end of my previous op-ed published by Feminism in India, which marked the start of my Ph.D. in Australia: https://feminisminindia.com/2019/02/01/overcame-trauma-found-voice/ How can these stories make a social change? What is the art of storytelling, literal and visual? Earlier this year, I had the privilege of reflecting on a couple of poignant articles that celebrity...
Read MoreFrom New York To Lisbon
Had a such a memorable journey in New York City, where I represented our worldwide Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) scholars through public appearances and personal interactions. Special thanks to actor Sonny Chatrath for inviting me to his annual film & TV event after my panel talk at the East Side Institute – will never forget the heartfelt moments while speaking on the ethical use & impact of media and persona in celebrity culture. I am currently in Lisbon and just received Celebrity Studies journal & publication info for the 7th international...
Read MoreCelebrity Death
As I mourn the passing of my dad, I get interviewed on celebrity death. The end of life in both cases is an unknown terrain in my academic world. It is an accidental area that marks an extension of my research on celebrity activism. My interview in VICE magazine, quotation in Preen magazine, and conversations with journalists has developed an understanding of what it means to die in fame. Those who are interested in psychology and celebrity culture can be part of my latest conversation with journalist, writer and content editor of Yahoo, Raechal Shewfelt (below). Raechal Shewfelt: Why does a...
Read MoreMapping Media Scholars in the Art of Journalism
Special thanks to Christine Bode for sharing my interview with Kofi Forson at https://scullylovepromo.com/2016/11/06/mapping-media-scholars-in-the-art-of-journalism. Kofi Forson is a writer, poet and playwright living in NYC. His current blog is Black Cocteau, a mixture of philosophy and art in modern culture. His previously written articles include “Artistry and Celebrity: An Interview with Harry Goaz” among many others for Whitehot Magazine. He sheds light on his inspirations and advice for artistic and scholarly treatments of cultural figures and artifacts in popular culture. Read his...
Read MoreHighlights of Bridging Gaps Chat
Last night, I had the privilege of joining Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) panelists and hosting our inaugural Bridging Gaps Twitter chat! It was 8:30 pm EST. Just wish we met over cocktails at that hour of the night or had morning coffee in Australia / Asia at that time 🙂 It is with this thought that we started our live public chat and what a powerful and memorable conversation we had! As I posted on Twitter and Instagram, I cannot believe how time flew and there were so many fascinating questions to further consider! You can now visit...
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