For professional bookings, contact:
Nandy, S. (2022), Moderator, Wall of Fame Film Festival
Nandy, S. (2021) Moderator,”Elliot & Jose Show”
Nandy, S. (2021). Co-Host, Working Actors in Hollywood?, Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies
Nandy, S. (2019). Chair and media panel moderator for the 8th international Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference “Bridging Gaps: Re-Fashioning Stories for Celebrity Counterpublics,” Club Quarters – Times Square, New York City, USA. August 29 – September 1, 2019
Nandy, S. (2018). Panel Speaker for Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) live webinar “Sustainability and Persona Branding”, Lisbon, Portugal. August 11 and September 1, 2018
Nandy, S. (2018). Chair and media panelist for the 7th international Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference “Bridging Gaps: Where is Ethical Glamour in Celebrity Culture?”, Inspira Santa Marta, Lisbon, Portugal. July 1-3, 2018
Nandy, S. (2018). Invited speaker for public conversation with Dr Lois Holzman at the East Side Institute in New York City, USA. May 22, 2018
Nandy, S. (2018). Keynote speaker for ANOKHI Media’s “This is My Glamour 18)” at The Globe and Mail Centre, Toronto, Canada. May 6, 2018
Nandy, S. (2017) Sponsor of 6th international Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference “Bridging Gaps: National Identity in Persona, Branding, and Activism”, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, December 8-9, 2017
Nandy, S. (2017) Host of the 5th international Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference “Bridging Gaps: Where is the Critic in Television Journalism”, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in New York City, USA. August 31-September 1, 2017
Nandy, S. (2017). Chair and media panelist for the 4th international Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference “Bridging Gaps: Where is the film scholar in Hollywood film studies?”at University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, USA. March 17-19, 2017
Nandy, S. (2016). Sponsor of 3rd international Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference “Bridging Gaps: What are the media, publicists and filmmakers selling?”, Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Barcelona, Spain. July 2-5, 2016
Nandy, S and Shannon Skinner (2015). Media skills training workshop at the Feminist Art Conference (FAC), Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD), Toronto, Canada. September, 2015
Nandy, S. (2015). Chaired and presented “Bridging Gaps: Celebrity Activism and Celebrity Studies” at the 2nd international Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference Bridging Gaps: Higher Education, Media and Society. Terrace Club, New York City, USA. September 2015
Nandy, S. (2015). Media Panelist for “Scholars as Critics: A Professional Development Workshop for Academics.” USA and Toronto, Canada May & September 2015
Nandy, S. Chaired and presented “Persona in Celebrity Activism” at the 1st international Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) conference “Bridging Gaps: Higher Education, Media and Society.” Ryerson University, Canada, May 2015
Nandy, S. “Selfies in Celebrity Activism: Persona in Celebrity Photography and Social Justice” (Invited). International Conference ‘Public and Private in Mobile Communications.’Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal, March 2015
Nandy, S. The Value-form of Persona: Celebrity Scandal, Activism, and Commodities. With Dr Hilary Wheaton at the Inaugural Persona Studies Working Papers Symposium. Deakin University, Australia, February 2015
Nandy, S. and Emmanuel Lopez (2014). The Inspirational Power of Film Festival Celebrities & their Movies. Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies, Canada. September 2014
Nandy, S. (2014). Hosted and moderated “Moving Forward: An Intimate Evening on Media, Diversity and Social Justice’. Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies, Canada. May 2014
Nandy, S. (2013). “Celebrity Activism: Performance and Politics of Authenticity in Social Justice Movements”, University of Toronto, Canada, July 2013
Nandy, S. (2013). “Fame and Nation: National Identity of Pop Star Justin Bieber”, 2nd Global Conference Celebrity: Exploring Critical Issues, Hotel Real Palácio, Lisbon, Portugal, March 10 – 12, 2013
Nandy, S. (2013). “Fame of Art / Art of Fame: Aesthetics and Identity in Celebrity Culture”, Department of Communication, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, January 10, 2013
Nandy, S. (2012). ‘Panel Chair, Asian Celebrities, Celebrity Studies Journal Conference, Deakin University, Melbourne, December 12, 2012
Nandy, S. (2012). “National Identity of Online Celebrities: Fame and Nation on the Internet.” Celebrity Studies Journal Conference, Deakin University, Australia. December 2012.
Nandy, S. (2012). ‘Asian Celebrities’ (Chair), Celebrity Studies Journal Conference. Deakin University, Australia. December 2012.
Nandy, S. (2011). The Green Celebrities. Parliament Street Library. Canada. May 2011.
Nandy, S. (2010). “Hollywood North in Canadian Celebrity Culture.” Media Culture and Creative Arts (MCCA), Curtin University, Australia. May 2010.
Nandy, S. (2010). Chaired “The Future of Audience Research Measurement – A2M2?” Presented by Senior Curtin Research Fellow, Prof. Mark Balnaves. Curtin University, Australia. April 2010.
Nandy, S. (2009). Co-organized and co-hosted Canadian film premiere of US film Ocean of Pearls, followed by Director’s Q / A and reception at Innis Town Hall, University of Toronto, Canada. December, 2009
Nandy, S. (2009). “The Affective Space of Online Fandom and ‘Imagined Communities’: Re-writing Offline Codes of Nationalism in Hollywood North”, Internet Research 10.0. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), USA. October, 2009.
Nandy, S. (2009). Chaired ‘Urban Locations 1’ and ‘Local / Global’ (Chair), Internet Research 10.0 – Internet: Critical, Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), USA. October, 2009.
Nandy, S. (2009). “Locating Canada in Deterritorialized Spaces of Online Fandom – Nationalism in Technological Mediations of Popular Culture”, Canadian Communication Association (CCA), Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. May 2009.
Nandy, S. (2008). “Celebrities in Hollywood North: Rewriting Codes of Nationality”. Engaging place(s)/engaging culture(s), Curtin University, Australia. November 2008.
Nandy, S.(2008). Organized and chaired “The Jindyworobaks Revisited: Struggles for Legitimacy in the Australian Literary Field” by Fiona Langdon and “Filthy Lucre: Writers and Money” by Ian Nichols. Media, Culture and Creative Arts. Curtin University, Australia. November, 2008
Nandy, S. (2006). “Framing Multiculturalism: Beyond Bollywood”, ‘Media: Policies, Cultures and Futures in the Asia Pacific Region, Curtin University, Australia. November 2006.
Nandy, S. (2006). “Encoding and Decoding Race: Mapping the Transnational Landscape of Canadian Media and Communication”, Making Culture Messy: Problematizing Culture and Cultural Discourses in the New Imperialism. Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (SESE), University of Toronto, Canada. March 2006.
Nandy, S. (2002). “Virtual Reality of Sociological Theory: Re-thinking the Real in Postmodern Culture of Cybernetics”, 37th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA), University of Toronto & Ryerson University, Canada. May 2002
Nandy, S. (2002). “Vision and Imagination of Virtual Gender: Politics in Cyberfeminism”. In ‘Virtual Gender’, 37th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA), University of Toronto & Ryerson University, Canada. May 2002.
Nandy, S. (2002). “Third Space of Post – Feminism: A Reflection of Feminist Theory in Cybersociology”, Sociological Reflexions, York University, Canada. March 2002.
Nandy, S. (2001). “Decoupled Body and Subject of Post-Femininity: The Prosthetic Consciousness of Cybernetic Organism in the Virtual Culture of Cyberspace”. In ‘New Methods and New Technology’, Bridging Divides, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. May 2001.
Nandy, S. (2001). “Tracing the 19th Century Colonial Fe-Male in E-Space: The Re-Conceptualization of (His)tory in the New Frontiers of Virtual Reality”. In ‘Theorizing the Past and the Past of Theorizing’, New Frontiers in Graduate History, York University, Toronto, Canada. March 2001.
Nandy, S. (2001). “Cyberfeminism with a ‘Masculus Velum’?: Gender Relations in Cybernetic Culture and Virtual Society”. Gender Research Symposium, McMaster University, Canada. February 2001.
Nandy, S. (2001). Co-organized “Sociological Imagination: On the Need to Publish Imaginative, Interesting Sociology that People Will Actually Read” by George Ritzer, Fulbright Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, York University, Canada. February 2001.
Nandy, S. (2001). Co-organized “Globalization Theory: Lessons from the Exportation of McDonaldization and the New Means of Consumption”. By George Ritzer, Fulbright Visiting Professor. Department of Sociology, York University, Canada, February 2001.
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