Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (NYC) – Updates
From Louis Massey: Here are few important updates on our upcoming conference at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in New York City. Delegates and guests can now benefit from a special rate at the Sheraton Times Square. To book, visit: https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/BridgingGaps. The extended deadline for hotel booking and early bird registration is June 30, 2017. After this date, regular rates will apply. Special thanks to Celebrity Studies for providing journal samples and publication information. We will also offer a copy of the newly released book Becoming Brands: Celebrity,...
Read MoreBecoming Brands: Celebrity, Activism and Politics
Thrilled for the release of Becoming Brands: Celebrity, Activism and Politics by WaterHill Publishing! Thanks to Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) board members & editors Jackie Raphael and Celia Lam, and to all reviewers for such a fantastic contribution to the field of studies. I got the book and made notes – did you get your your copy? I highly recommend reading it! Visit http://www.waterhillpublishing.com/books.html to get a copy of the book and share your...
Read MoreCUNY 2017 CMCS 5th International Conference
As I take care of my father’s estate, I finalize the 5th CMCS international conference at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in New York City. I will be carrying his support for the conference and annoucing the fellowship in honour of him there. Huge thanks go to our keynotes, chairs, board members, colleagues, and number of university departments for their incredible support. I am thrilled for the success of the event. The early bird deadline is June 15 –...
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